Instacart is pleased to provide Instacart+ members in the U.S. only with a subscription to NBCUniversal’s video streaming service known as Peacock as an included benefit of their membership available upon activation as of November 29, 2023. The included benefit is limited to the Peacock Premium plan and does not include Peacock Premium Plus. Your access to Peacock Premium will continue for so long as you remain an eligible Instacart+ member and while this offer remains available. You can activate the Peacock benefit via your Instacart account page or visit If you are an existing Peacock Premium or Premium Plus subscriber, you will need to cancel your existing Peacock subscription and wait until the end of your billing cycle with Peacock to take advantage of this benefit. You may cancel your Peacock subscription at any time by visiting the Peacock benefit in your Instacart+ account. Your use of Peacock Premium is subject to Peacock’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Programming and content subject to change. Limit one redemption per qualifying Instacart+ subscription. Peacock is responsible for all content provided through the Peacock streaming service, and Instacart takes no responsibility therefor.

Instacart reserves the right to make this limited-time offer/member benefit available to paid and/or free trial members, to remove or disable an offer or benefit at any time, to limit redemption quantities of any offer or benefit, to shorten or lengthen the time to claim or redeem the offer or benefit, and to revise eligibility requirements to claim or redeem an offer or benefit (other than the requirement to be an active Instacart+ member to claim an offer or benefit). Redemptions of this offer by Instacart+ trial members may be subject to a daily limit. If this offer is modified or terminated for any reason, Peacock shall not be obligated to accept redemptions or any further attempts to redeem the Peacock benefit. If this offer is terminated for any reason, you will no longer have access to Peacock Premium included with your Instacart+ membership.

Instacart+ terms apply. With Instacart+, delivery fee will not be charged on orders over $35 per retailer and you’ll get lower service fees; delivery subject to availability. Fees, taxes, and/or tips may still apply. MEMBERSHIP AUTO-RENEWS FOR $99/YEAR, OR UNDER YOUR EXISTING INSTACART+ MEMBERSHIP TERMS, TO PAYMENT METHOD ON FILE. Cancel anytime; you will only receive a refund if you cancel within 5 days of paid membership term and you have not placed any orders with Instacart+. Additional Instacart+ benefits are subject to additional terms. Instacart may modify or terminate additional benefits at any time. Only a Family Account owner can activate the Peacock offer. Instacart is not a retailer or seller. Instacart and/or certain retailers, may not be available in all zip or post codes.